Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Het n-woord

Voor meer over de zaak Steven Stewart hier.
Een bewaker die zijn moeder aan de lijn had gebruikte het n-woord over zijn moeder tijdens het neerleggen van de telefoonhoorn ook al.

From a member of the Steven Stewart Support group:

Steven Stewart, a prisoner at WSPF, has been target of much retaliation. This has escalated recently. Estella Stewart, his mother, received a letter from Steven outlining the latest. On October 18th, about 8 pm, two guards handcuffed Steven and threw him on the floor stating something like "we're going to slam your nigger face into the floor." When Steven told unit manager Trosdoff, he walked away. When Steven asked again to have his catheter changed, (he had asked many times before) the unit manager came on intercom and taunted Steven with the N word. There is more which I do not remember. Steven has had ongoing harrassment- from not being allowed to sleep, to having food contaminated, always being called "out of his name" etc. We are afraid the end of something is near, for Steven says he will not be able to take it much longer. The plan is that he will snap- do something violent, and they will kill him. He won at trial when the WSPF brought bogus charges against him. He is being made an example.

Estella and I have asked James Greer many times that Steven be transferred to Columbia Correctional Institution.This is a place where Steven feels there will be less harrassment. It is complicated and I can give you details why this place is better if you desire.

We have a petition to support the call for a transfer for Steven to CCI, please sign it: here.

If you can, please call:
1) James Greer, Head of DOC Health Services and ask that Steven Stewart, DOC # 143599, be transfered now to Columbia Correctional Institution. Tel. 1-608-240-5122

2) Warden Peter Huibregtse: ask him to stop the harrassment and see that guards Carpenter and Scullion are not allowed near Steven's cell . (I understand Carpenter has an SPN on Steven already-is not supposed to be near Steven and yet he violates it). Ask him to investigate allegations that Steven has not been able to get his catheter changed and is being harrassed by unit manager. Tel: 1-608-375-5656.

Space voor Steven Stewart.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Collecte voor Harry Bout

Er zijn op 8 oktober Kamervragen gesteld over Harry Bout door D66. De steungroep kan hier slechts dank voor zeggen - het is een goede vraag waarom via een kort geding afgedwongen zou moeten worden dat Harry Bout als Nederlander behandeld wordt door de Nederlandse overheid.

De vragen aan de minister van buitenlandse zaken:

- Wat is de huidige status van de zaak van de in een Amerikaanse
gevangenis verblijvende Harry Bout?

- Waarom wordt de WOTS-aanvraag van dhr. Bout niet in behandeling
genomen door het ministerie van Justitie?

Als het kort geding tegen de Nederlandse regering doorgang moet vinden is er het risico dat Harry Bout wordt veroordeeld tot de kosten van het geding, bij verlies. De advocaat wordt wel bekostigd door toevoeging, maar deze kosten worden niet gedekt.

Met leedwezen dus een vraag om geld aan u, dierbare lezer(es), vriend(in), kameraad.
Dank u.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

...nothing left to lose

Op de space van Gregg Savajian speelt nu Hank Snow Me and Bobby McGee. gelukkig - ik kan de bekende hitversie niet uitstaan, ook al verneem ik dat het lied gedeeltelijk over Joplin zelf gaat. Het origineel is van Roger Miller.

Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Als we toch met liederen bezig zijn in het Engels houd ik het hier bij:

Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all.

Uit de versie van de Internationale van Billy Bragg.
Vrijheid is ondeelbaar. Zolang er een niet vrij is, is niemand vrij.

Freedom is just another word...

Een brief uit een gevangenis in de Verenigde Staten, meer bepaald Colorado:

I am contacting you with this tragic story, a part of this country that is becoming more and more common. The persecution of its own citizens by over zealous, politically motivated, and deviate state employees called prosecutors and judges. Perhaps this story will grab your attention. Maybe, someone would see a story of ultimate sadness, a story of an American family devastated by unfair “Justice”, by the system of government our sons, brothers, fathers and daughters are dying for. This story is true, a recent calamity wrought upon a hardworking, law abiding, tax paying family from Golden, Colorado. Jefferson County District Court, the same county in question for its alleged cover-up of Columbine School fame. The same county that decimated a former (Denver) District Judges life so much so, that he committed suicide. The same county that has the highest inmate suicide rate in the country (per capita). The same county that just sentenced one of its own detention facility psychologists for child abuse, she kept her grandson in a dog kennel, eight hours a day for years. The county seat of Coors Brewery, Colorado School of Mines, Gateway to the Rockies, and former state capital; The county that convicts innocent people, and has sentences so out of proportion that people want to bypass driving through!

This is about a false and fraudulent conviction of a 50 year old grandfather of six. A 45 year resident and taxpayer. Sentenced to 24 years in prison for the crime of “Sollicitation to Commit Murder” against a sheriff’s deputy because he gave himself a bad haircut! How is that for fabricated intent? The story was national on February 9, 2005. The article in the paper was totally inaccurate, except for the sentence. This poor individual lost his freedom because a 4 time convicted felon was “paid” a waiver of a life sentence for this perjurous testimony! A crime with no victim, no weapon, no logical motivation, nothing but one first time jail snitch who was let out on probation only to be arrested AGAIN before he was to testify against, basically, a first time offender. BECAUSE HE WAS ANGRY ABOUT A HAIRCUT HE GAVE TO HIMSELF! If true, this man should have been committed to a mental facility. There was no truth to the state's only witness testimony. Proof of the perjury, motivated by a state deal, lies in the trial transcripts, family members and attorneys present at trial.

The witness who was a habitual felon, didn’t identify the defendant at trial when asked to. Even though the “solicitor” defendant was seated at the “defendants” table. This “reliable” witness testified that he picked this “crazed” man who tried to hire him to “take out” a deputy, out of a photo lineup! But he also testified he never had “face to face” contact with this man! And after not identifying the defendant, the prosecution realized the total fraudulent perjury of the witness. The prosecutor then proceeded to point at the defendant and as recorded in the trial records asked his witness, “If the man sitting at the end of the defendants table was the man that solicited him!” Is this the legal system our country fights for and postulates to other non-democratic countries? This is the state that the National Democratic Convention is going to be held. Fraud to the jury to convict an innocent grandfather of 6, a local man who worked locally and paid taxes diligently. Who do you want back on the streets? Who deserves to be in prison? The prosecutor for one, he let a habitual felon back on the streets, to commit more crimes, for his testimony!

An innocent man, arrested on, but not convicted of, trumped up charges of attempted auto theft, criminal mischief and felony menacing. Who pleaded guilty to possession of burglary tools and misdemeanor menacing and after 3 days in county jail, was accused of sollicitation to commit murder over a bad hair cut!! Is this your democracy, your USA that we are so proud of? A justice system who ruined a man’s life, his family’s life, and caused even more tragedy through a false erroneous charge and conviction of his son. That man is me. Gregg Savajian. This is your country, your state, your county. Mine was fair and just, stood up for the underdog, the little guy. Not the millionaire or politician or the celebrity – the country that protected its citizens, not persecuted them. Freedom is just another word – for the wealthy and privileged.

Please investigate my story – it’s all true. I’m sure you’ll find more, just ask.

Gregg Savajian
Unit 4-C-208
PO Box 6000
Sterling, CO 80751

email: forumforunderstandingprisons at yahoo dot com

Meer over Gregg Savajian.
Gregg Savajian op Myspace.

Thursday, April 05, 2007